Israel Denies Involvement in Iran President's Plane Crash; Concerns Rise Over Sabotage Propaganda

- 20 Mei 2024, 14:05 WIB
Presiden Iran, Ebrahim Raisi.
Presiden Iran, Ebrahim Raisi. /Iran's Presidency/WANA/via REUTERS

Baca Juga: Helikopter Presiden Iran Terbakar, Raisi Dinyatakan Hilang

Senior officials add that aside from changes in Iran's leadership, there will be no impact on Israel as decisions regarding Israel are made by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. He holds sway over critical decisions regarding Iran's nuclear program.

Emergency US Meeting

News of the helicopter crash reaches US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, currently in Israel. President Joe Biden reportedly shortens his vacation due to emerging reports from Iran. He closely monitors the situation, as do other US officials.

As of yet, there's no US reaction to the helicopter crash. They refrain from speculating on President Raisi's fate.

Baca Juga: Terlibat Operasi di Golan, Serangan Udara Israel di Suriah Tewaskan Tiga Pejuang Hizbullah Pro Iran

Concerns Over Conspiracy Theories

Israeli officials anticipate Iran spreading conspiracy theories implicating Israel in the accident. Ynetnews reports that the Cyber Army of the Revolutionary Guards, an Iranian military-affiliated website, suggests the helicopter crash involving government officials strengthens the possibility of assassination and sabotage.

Especially since only President Raisi's helicopter crashed, while the accompanying two helicopters arrived safely at their destination.

Statement from Israeli General


Editor: Imam Tantowi

Sumber: Reuters


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