Israel Denies Involvement in Iran President's Plane Crash; Concerns Rise Over Sabotage Propaganda

- 20 Mei 2024, 14:05 WIB
Presiden Iran, Ebrahim Raisi.
Presiden Iran, Ebrahim Raisi. /Iran's Presidency/WANA/via REUTERS

Accusations of Israeli involvement in the Iranian President's helicopter crash arise due to escalating tensions between the two nations. Iran recently attacked Israel, prompting an Israeli retaliation.

Former Israeli National Security Advisor Major General Yaakov Amidror, quoted by the Jerusalem Post, suggests the helicopter crash likely resulted from technical issues and adverse weather. He dismisses any foreign involvement in the accident.

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He disregards the possibility of Israel's hand in the crash.

"It's just a waste of energy (to say that)," he remarks.

"If you want to do something that will have a positive effect both domestically and [externally], then you will not target the president," he adds.

Operating Old Helicopters

The type of helicopter carrying President Raisi and his entourage remains unconfirmed. It could be a military helicopter or a Red Crescent aircraft.

Iran operates several helicopters, many of which date back to before the country's 1979 Islamic Revolution. Due to sanctions and financial constraints, Iran struggles to procure spare parts, posing maintenance challenges.

Additionally, adverse weather conditions at the time likely contributed to the helicopter's flight constraints.


Editor: Imam Tantowi

Sumber: Reuters


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